About Dr. Chihming Chiu

My Story

Dr. Chiu earned his Ph.D. in Interactive Game Engine Technology from National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan in 2015 and a Master of Computer Science degree in Computer Graphics from Arizona State University at Tempe in 1993.

Before immigrating to Canada, he was the founder and CEO of the Powernet mobile business cooperation which was a mobile game content provider for the largest Telecom company in Taiwan, Chunghwa Telecom.

He has also taught game design and development classes for the top-ranked universities including the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology and Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), where he helped found the first graduate school in multimedia and entertainment science. While in STUST, his team created the online game Chaos Era, which won the Jury Award in the 2009 Chinese Gamer online game design competition.

Dr. Chiu currently is an author and tutor living in BC, Canada.